Fried eggs with prawns

Who doesn't like fried eggs with French fries? It is probably one of the best dishes of the Spanish cuisine. That's why at Grand Krust we created an improved version of it: fried eggs with prawns! What's your version of this recipe?



  • 7 pcs. of prawns
  • 1 dash of olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 chili
  • 1 cayenne pepper
  • 30 ml. of white wine
  • 2 eggs
  • Chives
Nutritional information


  • Energy 0
  • Proteins0
  • Carbohydrates 0
  • Fats0
Langostino vannamei crudo congelado

You'll need to

Langostino vannamei crudo congelado Spectrum Every day

Step by Step

1 step_img_1

First, peel the prawns.

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First, peel the prawns.

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Sear the prawns and add the white wine. Let it cook until it is reduced.

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Fry the eggs in olive oil.

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Serve the fried eggs with the prawns and decorate them with chives. Let's eat!

Gastro Klub

The Recipes