Is seafood bad for your digestion? Can you eat it raw during pregnancy? We solve the main doubts generated by the consumption of seafood.

[Author: David Remartínez]


Does seafood cause gout?

If you only feed on seafood, maybe. But no one does such an outrage. The gout is caused by the lack of control of uric acid, which is produced by a diet with a lot of meat, sausages, guts, and also some fish and seafood. But only if the intoxication reaches a high level of stupidity. seafood, on the contrary, is healthy as a daily diet: it has minerals, unsaturated acids and vitamins.


Can I suck the juices of a shrimp’s head?

Yes, it is a must! If you’ve bought good seafood, it’s an incomparable pleasure. That’s why they’re also used in a broth. Excess is harmful, as with all pleasures, in this case because of cholesterol, as it also happens with meat.


Can I eat raw seafood?

of course! You just have to freeze the food for 24 hours. And then, feast sushi and ceviche.



Can I eat seafood if I have anemia?

Yes! Especially the molluscs. They’ll help you absorb the iron to your system.


Is seafood hard to digest?

On the contrary, it is a type of food that is easy to digest. In the past it had a bad reputation because, until refrigeration techniques became widespread, it was not always served fresh. Today, this is no longer the case, Seafood can be as dangerous as a piece of meat if it is not in good state. Choose a fresh fish at the market or a good brand of frozen seafood, and enjoy.



Is it fattening?

Well, no, because there’s no fat or sugar in it. On the contrary, they are very nutritious.


Can I eat seafood during pregnancy?

It is even recommendable, as it contains vitamin E, antioxidants, and folic acid, which are necessary during gestation.


Better cooked or grilled?

Any grilled animal develops another flavor, because of the conversion of proteins and sugars created by the caramelization. This is known as the Maillard reaction, the chemist that discovered it. If you want intense flavor, grill it. If you prefer softness, short cooking in hot water or steam.

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